Spotting the Warning Signs: Is Your Dating App Partner Genuine?

· 5 min read
Spotting the Warning Signs: Is Your Dating App Partner Genuine?

Rising numbers of people worldwide are looking for love and companionship through dating apps. Despite potential benefits, there are a growing number of worrying stories about users being conned out of money and time by dishonest and manipulative people. So how can you tell if your dating app partner is genuine or not?

A key indicator of a genuinely seeking someone through the app is their level of openness. A partner who is open about their identity, interests, likes and dislikes is much more likely to be straightforward and trustworthy. In contrast, if they appear reluctant to share personal details, such as their full name, or react in an overly defensive way when questioned about anything personal, this should be considered a red flag. Research conducted by Shana Lebowitz for Easting suggests that impatience on their part might also be a sign that they are not who they say they are.

Another warning sign is the way they respond to your messages. Unclear, inconsistent, or overly flattering responses that don't fit with the situation could be a sign that you are dealing with someone not genuine. If the messages are overly romantic or persistent, or if your partner refuses to talk about anything other than themselves, this could further be cause for concern. While most people will face a certain amount of rejection when online dating, if your conversations with the person quickly become demanding or emotionally charged, this could be a warning sign that you are being sought out with malign intentions.

Similarly, if the person is constantly changing the topic when you ask about something questionable such as their job or plans for the future, or if the individual never offers up concrete plans for meeting, but suggests general ideas that never come to fruition, it might be time to reassess if this person is truly genuine. Lastly, if they claim to have a degree or more qualifications than they truly have, this should be a source of anxiety.

Online Checks

If you have doubts about the person you're communicating with, there are ample online resources to investigate them further. A quick google search or Facebook search can be used to verify if the person is who they claim to be. It's also important to be aware of the geographical area they purport to be from and do searches accordingly. Additionally, there are now apps and websites dedicated to providing information about people’s identities and backgrounds, opened up for anyone to use.

Many of these services are used by companies and organizations to check if their employees are being honest about their past, but can be just as useful for evaluating a potential dating app partner. You can also check the National Sex Offender Public Website for information about any individuals you’ve been talking to, and use the FBI’s internet crime complaint center to search for any criminal activity that your partner may have been involved in.

Trust Your Intuition

It's always important to trust your instincts when you are talking with someone online. If your gut tells you something isn't right, there is usually a good reason. Be open to what your gut is telling you, and if it helps, write down all the warning signs you come across along the way to help better understand red flags.

Remember, it's important to be patient when communicating with someone online - it takes time to get to know someone and discern their genuineness.  horny whores  to the signs before you get involved and don't be afraid to end communication if you feel you're not comfortable with the path the conversations are taking.

Be Open and Honest

If you are wanting a genuine relationship with someone from an online dating app then you are best served by being as open and honest and yourself as possible. Most relationships that begin with an online dating app will only succeed if both people are upfront and honest with one another. Keeping some basic personal information private is important, but providing as much detail as possible let's the other person have an idea of who you are and how you think.

Also, let the other person get to know aspects of your lifestyle, such as your family and friends or even your professional side, as that will help to build their trust in you. This will also give the other person a chance to evaluate if you are the type of person they can rely on and provide them a sense of security before things get too serious.

Keep It Balanced

If you are engaging with potential partners through an online dating app, you must also be prepared for there being a certain amount of an unbalanced power-dynamic. After all, one person’s opinion on the direction the conversation is taking would often trump the other person’s. So it is important to get a sense of your potential partner's expectations, intentions, level of interest and emotional capacity before it gets serious.

Having an understanding of the other person's communication style, preferences, interests and values can help you identify if there is a connection between the two of you that is worth pursuing. Once a connection has been established, feel free to open up and take interest in the other person’s interests, opinions and views.

Be Patient and True to Yourself

Finding an honest and genuine person is never easy, and it's even harder when using a dating app. Understandably, we all have different wants and needs, which often take time for us to discover. So be patient with yourself and don't settle – a genuine person could come along at any time.

Above all, make sure you stay true to yourself and don’t let others take advantage of you. Although it might be challenging, remember that it is perfectly ok to walk away when the person you’re talking to is not genuine. Setting limits and boundaries can show the person that you are serious and someone to be reckoned with.

Know Your Value and Worth

It's also important to keep in mind that you are worth more than just a number on a dating app, and you should never let someone take advantage of you for their own benefit. Rejecting someone doesn't make you a bad person, it simply shows that you respect yourself and have a sense of worth that isn't going to be dismissed. You should always value your opinion and trust your gut.

Rather than being a victim of someone else's emotional or financial manipulation, it is important to recognize that you have the power to look out for yourself and protect yourself from potential online dating fraud. It is essential to know your value and own it - you don't have to give up your autonomy or settle for less than what you deserve.

Responsible Online Usage

Although online dating can be enjoyed safely, it can also be potentially dangerous and risky. As such, it is important to take steps to ensure your safety while using the app. Refrain from giving away too much personal information about yourself to people you don’t know or trust, such as detailed photos, passwords and bank details. Additionally, it is advisable to only provide social media accounts that you are comfortable with the person seeing.

It is also important to block and report anyone who is violating the terms of the dating app, for example, if they are sending you unsolicited and offensive messages. Finally, if you do decide to meet up with someone, let your friends or family members know about your plans and always meet in a public place. Dating apps, when used correctly, can be a great way to find someone special, but it is important to remain vigilant and be aware of the risks.